Thursday, April 16, 2009

10 Years Together!

We celebrated our 10 year anniversary in March. We didn't do anything on the actual day, but we did spend a week in Anchorage together - with no kids!! (A BIG thanks to the Brenners, Mom, Sue and the Chadwicks!!!)
March 6, 2009 - 10 years together!!

I Love you, Babe!

Here's to 100 more wonderful years together!

Date Night

Jeremey and I make a point to go on a date every week. It's done wonders for our relationship - especially after having four children! Even though he has an 8 to 5 schedule, he has to work late a lot and sometimes over the weekend. But we still find time to go out - even if it's only for an hour. A few months ago, Jeremey had worked for 3 weeks straight so we hadn't had a date night out in a few weeks. Not wanting to miss any more, I got a babysitter for the 3 olders kids, took Connor to the hospital and had date night with Jeremey (and Rusty) in their office until 11:00 pm! I bought ice cream and brought it to them, then we just sat and talked while they dealt with the current crisis the hospital was having. It was actually pretty fun!
Jeremey and his co-worker, Rusty, had to work all weekend getting a new doctor's clinic in Kenai ready to be opened the following week, so Sonja and I met them at Acapulco's for date night.

Aw, what a cute couple!

We're always looking for new ideas for date night (we DO live in podunkville), so if you have any, we'd love to hear them!

Sleeping Monsters or Sleeping Beauties?

Don't let them fool you - they only look this cute while sleeping!
Izzy - waiting for it to snow inside...

Connnor - he played a little too hard

Gavin is SUCH a daddy's boy. He wanted to help Daddy with his homework but couldn't quite stay awake long enough.
Connor is a very determined thumb sucker. He will even suck his thumb while his binky is in his mouth!

CPGH Winterfest Family Fun Day

On February 7th, we went to Solid Rock Bible Camp for a Winterfest Family Fun Day put on by the hospital for employees and their families. We went tubing, sledding, did arts and crafts, and ate lunch. Jeremey's mom watched Connor for us so we could both spend time outside with the kids. It was a blast! Izzy even went down the tubing hill all by herself!
Izzy going down all by herself!
sledding with Rusty and his kids